5 Reasons Publishing is a lot like giving Birth

  1. If you waited until you were ready, you’d never do it.
  2. It’s messy.
  3. No matter your expectations, at some point you have to realize it is it’s own entity.
  4. It takes a village.
  5. Regardless of how the little bugger is received, you can’t help but be damned proud.

mamaPM copyPocket Money is available through Amazon, Kindle, and Barnes & Noble.


About Mary Fran Says

I am an artist, crafter, designer and writer. I enjoy working with mixed media-- applying visual and tactile manipulations to telling a story. Not a lot of market for that, though, :), so I'm focusing on short story submissions and novel completions. Yes, plural. Lots of beginnings, too many ideas, not enough focus.
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2 Responses to 5 Reasons Publishing is a lot like giving Birth

  1. Linda K says:

    Love it Mary! Congratulations!

  2. Pingback: Book description, Book 2 of Valley of the Bees #VotB | Write on the World

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